Why is Agile Software Development Crucial for Building Solutions? - BigStep Technologies
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Why is Agile Software Development Crucial for Building Solutions?

Why is Agile Software Development Crucial for Building Solutions?

The times when businesses could sustain without digital solutions are long gone. Nowadays, every venture needs to build customized software to showcase its products and services. With the trend becoming a norm, organizations resort to several Meta development solutions.

Even with the market abundant with software development solutions, Agile has established a distinctive prestige. Introduced back in 2001, Agile has helped build countless platforms. In addition, the methodology renders multiple organizational benefits like flexibility, risk mitigation, better quality, and more.

However, even with such functionalities, may businesses still ponder whether Agile software development will suit their needs? Dive into our Article to learn Why Agile is crucial for building modern solutions.

What is Agile Software Development?

Before delving into the extensive details of Agile’s importance, let’s first understand its fundamentals.

Agile is a project management methodology that divides a project into bits to acquire customer feedback during every stage. These development cycles are called Sprints and generally last for 2-4 weeks.

The approach helps users experience the product at its different stages. Plus, it allows the management to work on their inputs and feedback to elevate the customer experience.

Agile helps businesses achieve the product that the customers desire. The method aims at:

  1.      Unifying multiple procedures
  2.      Meeting customer feedback
  3.      Promoting test-backed development
  4.      Boosting collaboration

Top Reasons Why Agile is Crucial for Building Solutions

Now that you understand the basics of Agile, let’s see how it helps in the software development process.

Maintains Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders’ involvement is essential since their approval makes or breaks the product. Agile allows frequent opportunities for development teams and stakeholders to interact before, during, and post-sprints. In addition, it helps the team to understand what the client desires from the project.

Offering a working product at different stages increases stakeholders’ faith in the team, facilitating a positive working relationship. In addition, the more the clients are involved in the project, the more the end product will be up to their expectations.

Facilitates Flexibility

There is no such thing as a perfect project, and stakeholder requirements may change as well. That is why Agile survives, and rigid approaches like the Waterfall model do not. Instead, traditional development approaches use the initial vision to define the entire project.

However, Agile makes changes at different stages based on user requirements and market needs. Since Sprints take place every 2-4 weeks, the team can afford to make modifications without affecting the overall development flow. The result is a 100% customer-certified product ready for instant market launch.

Maintains Transparency

With Agile, clients are involved throughout the development cycle. Be it feature prioritizing, session reviewing, or planning iteration, the clients know what is happening within the project. It adds a sense of transparency, allowing them to track the development without using any complicated tools.

Better Collaboration

Teamwork does make the dream work. Developing software from nothing but an idea is challenging and will not work without a high level of team collaboration.

Most traditional development methods require teams to undertake standalone steps, keeping a veil between the departments. However, Agile facilitates teamwork, maintaining a high level of interaction and collaboration between every member.

Since Agile conducts frequent retrospective sessions, members get the chance to discuss ideas, share their opinion, and collaborate. Plus, it makes the team self-organized and cross-functional. As a result, the members understand what they must achieve individually and with other members. It improves their skills, establishes communication, and renders cohesion throughout the process.

Quick and Predictable Delivery

While every business maintains a rough estimate of the development cycle, most fail to maintain it as the project professes. However, Agile offers a precise estimate of the product delivery with its scheduled Sprints.

It adds substantial predictability to the project by eliminating communication barriers. Plus, since every member and stakeholder is on the same page, it simplifies the beta release and software testing process.

Predictable Expenses and Schedule

Sprints help the management in evaluating costs and keeping up with the project schedule. After every Sprint, the team knows how much work is pending and how much it will cost to finish it.

When added with the customer estimates, stakeholders also receive a precise idea of the project. Thus, it facilitates improved decision-making regarding features and additional iterations.

Boosts Motivation

Traditional development cycles have no space for appreciation and collaboration. But with Agile methodology comes attainable and clear goals. Imagine this; you have 4 months of work due as opposed to 2 weeks. Undoubtedly, the latter will take less time and leave a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, Agile allows members to decide their tasks and the approach to undertake them. The more in control they are, the more motivated they feel. Plus, the management can appreciate each member during the retrospective session, boosting their confidence and morale.

Quicker ROI

As already stated, traditional development methodologies release the software only after its completion. It means the business and stakeholders must wait at least 6 months for project completion.

However, Agile maintains quick software releases, offering a working product as soon as the first Sprint occurs. Thus, while it renders multiple benefits, it also facilitates a quick return on investment for the stakeholders.

In Conclusion

Agile is a robust software development tool for both stakeholders and the business. It allows them to avoid common issues like rigidity, increased costs, unmet deadlines, etc. Moreover, the approach facilitates unconventional benefits with team collaboration and motivation.

Using Agile, ventures can achieve their objectives in a seamless and growth-oriented manner. Thus, it is safe to state that Agile software development is ideal for most modern product releases.

At BigStep Technologies, we strictly adhere to Agile methodology for all projects. If you have any requirements, connect with us by dropping an email at info@bigsteptech.com

Kandarp Tiwari

A multi-verticals trained Digital Marketing Professional with 8+ years of Corporate Experience and an everlasting zeal to acquire knowledge. Particularly have a good capture over Digital Marketing and Emerging Tech.


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