Javascript Module Patterns: A Guide for Beginners - BigStep Technologies
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Javascript Module Patterns: A Guide for Beginners


“Fortunately, JavaScript has some extraordinarily good parts. In JavaScript, there is a beautiful, elegant, highly expressive language that is buried under a steaming pile of good intentions and blunders.”



The Module Pattern is not a new topic in JavaScript. However, for some, that are new to JavaScript, the Module Pattern is a point that might get skipped. Regardless of whether you are an accomplished JavaScript developer or are merely getting to know the language, realizing what the Module Pattern is and how to implement it is significant if you wish to achieve accomplishment with JavaScript. In this article, I will quickly cover what the Module Pattern is and how you can promptly apply it.


What is the module pattern?

The module pattern, also called  “Modern Modular JavaScript Design Pattern” are the tiny units of independent, reusable code having distinct functionalities. They can be added or removed without disturbing the entire system.

In the world of modern JavaScript, when we say an application is modular, we often mean it’s composed of a set of highly decoupled, distinct pieces of functionality stored in modules. Loose coupling facilitates the easier maintainability of apps by removing dependencies where possible.


Benefits of the Module Pattern

The module pattern was originally developed to provide a way for public & private methods & properties which a class provides in oops. The module pattern has the following benefits:


The module pattern encapsulates and wraps public & private methods & variables and protects private ways and properties to leak in global scopes. This returns only public methods and public variables.

In javascript, there are not any access modifiers for public and private methods, unlike in most of the programming languages. So technically, methods and variables can’t be declared public or private. The module pattern makes it possible by using closures.


Module patterns enable all related functionalities and properties to be enclosed inside a single logical block, which is comparatively easier to update. Hence a well-developed module aids in reducing the dependencies on other parts of the codebase as much as possible.


The modules contain reusable code; hence the functionality enclosed as a module can be reused across the entire application, and there is no need to define the same functions at multiple points.

There are below several options to implement module patterns:

1) The Revealing Module Pattern

2) CommonJS

3) Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

4) ES2015 Modules

5) UMD (Universal Module Definition)




“A property value can be any JavaScript value except for undefined.”

With module patterns, you can have your private functions and variables which can be referenced only within the module and can be referenced worldwide. These patterns are advanced object-oriented solutions to commonly occurring software issues.

So it is always important to start by identifying the JavaScript patterns that address your challenges and know-how and when to use them. A good understanding of JavaScript patterns, helps you to choose the correct pattern for your problem and lets you understand the pattern’s actual value for your application.

If we have encouraged your interest in this area of technology and you wish to learn about the same, then stay connected with @bigsteptechnologies.

Balram Goyal

Technology Lead @ BigStep Technologies. Specialized in full stack development and expert in solving modern technology problems.


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