Magento Ecommerce - BigStep Technologies
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Magento Ecommerce

About Client Business

The client has an ecommerce website that facilitates selling and buying of spectacles and frames of various kinds. The website includes a lot of features that helps the customer to choose the right products like they can try frames on their faces virtually.


The client needed a solution to develop and host an ecommerce website that is fault-tolerant and scalable and has elastic search capabilities to search across the products and services. The challenge was to host and manage multiple servers along with an elastic search dedicated server and scaling both the servers with respect to the traffic and load on the CPU.


Since the client needed a secure and most reliable hosting provider to store his sensitive data and host the application securely, AWS is the best choice for a one to opt for.

Why the Customer Chose BigStep

BigStep has been an Advanced Consulting Partner with AWS and BigStep Technologies is a top-tier custom software & product development company. We build innovative products & provide dedicated teams packed with high level technical talent to help startups, enterprises and fast-growing tech enabled companies worldwide build successful & scalable products that users love. From foundational aspects like choosing the right Cloud services, system & network design, to migration, scalable cloud adoption, optimizations, monitoring, security, and more, our team of Certified Cloud Experts provides end-to-end, powerful Cloud solutions.

AWS Services Used

EC2 Instance:

The application and elastic search is hosted on EC2 instances. Application servers are receiving traffic from application load balancer launched in a public subnetRDSp>


RDS is being used to run MySQL server that having a master and a slave set of RDS instances, that helps to give a robust performance at the database end.

Load Balancer

Application load balancer is distributing traffic among all the servers running behind load balancer in a ‘Target group’. All the new server being launched by Auto-scaling are added to the Target Group and the traffic is routed to the server running in a private subnet.

S3 and CloudFront

All the media content is uploaded to S3 bucket and delivered through cloud-front to give users the best browsing experience to the media of the application.


All the services like ALB, EC2 are launched in a custom VPC created that has public and private route tables and all the private instances are receiving internet access via NAT Gateways.

Cloud Watch

Cloud watch alarms are configured to trigger autoscaling alarms that scale in and out the instance as per the cloud watch metrics and type setup.


The development and production environment infrastructure designed and created under private and public subnets to assure the safety of the application and direct reach of application from the internet.

Result / Outcome

Heavy request load testing on the application proved to be successful in terms of scaling in and out during the peak load time along with the database handling queries efficiently.

Solution Provided

As a solution the client got a fault-tolerant and a scalable website with a cost optimized environment. Where a lot of users visit, buy and sell products at ease. The users experience of accessing the website images is highly appreciated since the application is using cloudfront with S3 bucket.

About the Partner

BigStep Technologies is a proud Advanced Consulting Partner With AWS and a top-tier custom software & product development company. We build innovative products & provide dedicated teams packed with top technical talent to help startups, enterprises and fast-growing tech enabled companies worldwide build successful & scalable products that users love. We also provide Architectural guidance and solutions to the companies and cater to the needs of individuals looking to get secure and scalable Architecture.